By Jose Gomes, Train Me Please (website) and Train Me Please (YouTube Channel)
This video offers some considerations and suggestions for dogs that pull on the lead. This information should be watched in conjunction with the other videos recently shared in the channel on the topic of walking well on the leash.
This is a review of the True Love No Pull Dog Harness (the Ultra Light model). Most of the relevant information about the build quality and how it works is summarised. We did however forget to mention THE QUICK RELEASE SYSTEM (QRS) which is located on the neck strap and is a major feature of this harness. This means that we do not need to pull it over the dog’s head and it can be quickly locked and undone as needed. There is also a small section of the video dedicated to general information about dogs that pull on the lead. Loose leash walking is a skill that should be taught using positive reinforcement training.
NB There are several other brands of harness which are similar.
This video shows some of my absolute favourite exercises and drills to teach any dog to walk on a loose leash. This should be done by starting to teach walking on the lead in a low distraction environment before moving to slightly more distracting situations. The procedures rely on good engagement with the dog, good antecedent arrangement and using high rates of reinforcement. As always, I would highly recommend consulting with a behaviour professional to help you with your dog.
This video explains why dogs and puppies pull on the leash. It also covers some considerations for people walking dogs that already have a long history of pulling on the lead. The information in this video complements other videos on the topic of loose leash walking.