Teaching a Dog to Walk on a Lead/Leash

By Sally Bradbury

Although this is aimed at puppies, it can also be used for adult dogs.

At his mealtimes, walk around the house and the garden holding his food bowl and give him his food one piece at a time from your other hand any time he is there beside you. This is done without a lead. Continue to do this until he understands the game and follows you about or walks with you for the whole of his meal.

Meanwhile, use some yummy treats, sit on the floor, touch his collar, and give him a treat. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Put a finger under his collar, give him a treat, and let go of his collar. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Hold his collar longer, give him a treat, and let go of his collar. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Hold his collar, attach his lead, give him a treat, hold his collar, take off his lead, and give him a treat. You get the picture.

Now, next mealtime, attach his lead to his collar, which he is now fine about. Tuck your end of the lead into your belt loop and walk around the house and garden, feeding as you go. The same as you did before, but this time, with the lead attached. Voila! Puppy walking on a loose lead.

NOTE: while a collar is referred to throughout this article, a harness is recommended once you start taking your dog out for a walk.
See: General Advice before you Start.