
By Sally Bradbury

If your dog begs for food during meals, the solution is to teach an alternative behaviour. To start with, don’t eat in front of the dog. You may have to eat meals in shifts, with someone entertaining the dog while the other person eats.

Then at a quiet time, begin to teach a more desirable behaviour. Sit at the table with a cuppa, a biscuit, and some treats for the dog. Decide what you would like him to do; should he lie under the table, go to his bed, or do something else? Toss a treat under the table/on his bed. Do this a few times. He may then try and get you to give him another. Continue to drink your coffee and say nothing at all. Don’t be tempted to tell him what to do or what not to do. If it his choice to do it, it will be a more reliable behaviour.

Now, wait for any behaviour or movement that is in the right direction. Looking away would suffice for starters. Reward every behaviour that is not begging, gradually shaping the behaviour until you get to where you want to be.

You will need a lot of sessions, gradually increasing the difficulty, before he is ready to show off his new skill at mealtimes.