By Sally Bradbury
This method has two elements, and is particularly useful for dogs that drop the retrieve article, or who don’t want to give it up
- Teach the dog to pick up, hold, and carry
- Teach the dog a nose-to-hand touch
- Combine the two
Pick up, Hold, and Carry
Put the article on the floor. Click and treat (C&T) the dog for showing an interest, eg look at it, move towards it, etc. Continue to C&T any interaction with it. Shape the behaviour until you have a dog picking up the article. The click ends the exercise, so he may drop it on the click for a treat or another toy. If he drops before you click, then do not click and treat. You are clicking the hold, not the drop. Add duration by gradually delaying the click to get a longer hold.

Go back a stage at any time during the training if needed, but continue until you have a dog that will pick up and hold, and even walk while holding.
Nose-to-Hand Touch
Separately, teach your dog a hand touch. C&T for looking at an outstretched palm, for sniffing it, and touching it. Again, click marks the end of the exercise. Add duration as above.
Combine the Two
Now for the clever bit. Ask your dog to pick up the retrieve article, and then offer your hand for a nose touch. Click to mark the end of both behaviours together, ie to let go of the retrieve article and to take his nose off of your hand. Hopefully you’ve got the article in your hand!