By Emma Judson, Canine Consultant
Part 1
Every so often, a TV channel brings out the latest animal training, animal behaviour based reality program. Sometimes it’s a competition, sometimes it’s a car-crash drama filled half hour or hour of snarling, barking, jumping, crazy-eyed beasts with desperate owners in floods of tears.
Whatever it is, it’s also a deception and a lie.
Part 2 – WWYD?
So the previous blog got some criticism, mainly along the lines of ‘well what would YOU do?’ and after a week of deliberation I have decided, despite my absolute dislike of criticising other trainers (yes really, I’m not keen on it!) I’ll watch this next episode of Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly, and add in what I’d do, and why.
Whilst I don’t like pulling apart what others do, I also believe in speaking out when things are wrong, dangerous, put animal welfare at risk and/or put humans at risk. I strongly believe this show does all those things.