By Treat Yourself Dog Training and Behaviour and posted with permission
This is one of the most heartbreaking quotes that has stuck with me from my separation anxiety certification program.
It’s understandable if your dog is destroying your home that you would want to prevent that – but remember that if they’re doing so out of panic, a stronger crate is not the answer. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety have been known to break nails, chip teeth and draw blood trying to escape confinement when home alone. This is not a crate training problem.
And even if your dog doesn’t have separation anxiety, if confinement causes them to panic and try to escape, a heavy duty crate is not the solution. Will your dog potentially lose hope and stop trying? Maybe. Will they come out the other side calm and happy? Doubtful.
If you are considering an escape proof crate for your dog, I think we’ll be able to discuss a better option.